Friday, June 19, 2020

Performance Management on Clothing, Handbags, Shoes - 1650 Words

Performance Management on Clothing, Handbags, Shoes (Essay Sample) Content: Performance ManagementStudents NameProfessors NameCourseDatePerformance ManagementIntroductionThis paper will involve discussion about implementing a performance management system that will aid modify the employee behavior and enhance quality results of the performance of the retail staff of an upscale retail store which deals in clothing, handbags, shoes as well as other accessories. The discussion will entail step-by-step description of the necessary components of performance management system plan. Moreover, this paper will recommend the necessary ways through which the customer service and sales can be improved and increased respectively since the company has underwent a noticeable reduction in the earnings and layoff of some retail sales associates.Job Description for a Retail Sales AssociateThis section entails key sales associate duties as well as responsibilities. The job description is meant to enlighten the retail sales associate on issues that can improve t he sales quotas of the company and enhance customer service as well.The Sales Associate Responsibilities encompass: * Ensuring the highest level of customer satisfaction by maintaining outstanding sales services * Assessing customers needs and requirements as well as providing help on the right information on certain product features * Welcoming customers who visit the stores and providing answers to their queries * Enthusiastically seek out customers in store * Team up with all core workers to make sure that there is provision of proper customer service * Establish productive trust relationships with all customers * Observe with the necessary inventory control approaches * Planning marketing activities * Changing the design of the store * Remain well-informed on issues related to the products offered and discuss all the available options.RequirementsThere are some of the specific requirements needed to be a retail sales associate and they include: * Basic Math skills * Fundamental Understanding of sales principles and ethics as well as customer service practices * Familiarity with all the inventory approaches * Sound communication and interpersonal skills * Convenience to work all flexible shifts * Proficiency in English * An energetic and friendly personality with good customer services focus High school degree and BS degree in Marketing or associated field would be an advantageousA retail sales associate works does work in the retail store, providing help to customers in the section of the desired products. this position can be found at all the outlet of the company which include: boutique stores and chain stores. As the Human Resource Manager, there will be variations in the salaries requirements to embrace pay for performance measures. A retail sales associate should therefore apply appropriate knowledge needed for performing duties as a retail sales associate (Austin, 1992).The last portion of this job description for a retail sales associate entails oth er work assigned. This statement will encompass any special changes or projects in the available job duties.Organizational behavior Modification planThe Organizational behavior modification (OBM) plan is basically based on the study conducted by B.F. Skinner who posited that the needs of an employee are inferred by his behavior. An employee may perform poorly due to either not being appropriately rewarded or their work is not satisfying. This section discusses the Organizational behavior modification plan. In the establishment of organizational behavior medication (OBM) plan, we need to define the specific behaviors that are essential for the duty performance. Behaviorist theory posits that an individual puts a lot of effort on the work that has the greatest payoff. Organizational behavior motivation involves identifying performance-related behavior and applying strategies to maintain the real performs of the employees through greatest reward. Modifying the behaviors of the retail s ales associate in the company will involve collecting information from the employees. They will be the first people to realize the external forces that need changes (Austin, 1992).MotivationMotivation is fundamental behavior required for the successful duty performance as the retail sales associate in the company. Recognition which involves promotion, special training and awards can keep the retail sales associates enthusiastic about their basic roles in helping the company achieve its goals, realize increased sales and improve the sales. Rewarding the employees in the company will improve the performance. However, it is essential to discover how the employee react, particularly to the rewards. For instance, retail sales associate who arrives late to work due to some genuine reason by be motivated by adjusting their schedule like offering later start hour. Hence, the move may make such retail sales associate to feel grateful.Willingness to learnThe fundamental behavior for the duty performance is a willingness to learn. The products the company sales (shoes, handbag, clothing and other accessories) will not be familiar to some of the retail sales associate. Nonetheless the company requires them to have a willingness to learn about the products as well as how the company compare to its competitors. Through specialized training a retail sales associate can keep the employee enthusiastic about performance.The Ability to work professionally with othersAs noted in the introduction, the company is going through some losses and therefore the retail staff and the retail sales associates must work together as a team with an aim of bringing positive change such as increased sales and improved customer services. No individual retail sales associate will work alone to achieve all the objectives of the company. Also, it will take the retail sales associate, managers and supervisors to assist the company to meet the necessary goals (Heneman, Ledford, 1998).Ability to Inter act Freely with Others.The company has gone through some of financial loss and some of the retail sales associates have been laid off. Therefore, the remaining employees should work and interact freely with other employees to ensure there is conducive environment for performing duties.The plan will improve customer behavior in the workplace and increase productivity levels of the employees. Also, Organizational behavior modification plan will assist in implementing much more effective sales techniques (Heneman, Ledford, 1998).How to Determine Whether the Employee Display the Key Performance BehaviorsFurthermore, it is possible to measure whether employee display the key job performance behavior, firstly, through the guest survey. The survey will entail using guests to carry out survey on the rate of performance behavior displayed by the retail sales associate. This result would be collectively shared with all the retail sales associates. The second method of measuring whether emplo yee display the key job performance behavior is though observation. The observation will be from the human resource managers and the supervisors. The managers and supervisor will interact directly with the retail sales associates to evaluate their willingness to work and learn (Birdi, Allan, Warr, 1997).Performance StandardsAfter establishing the new performance standards, the employees will be informed of such standards through sparking competition among the departments sales departments in the company. The department that will earn much more points than the other in sales will be rewarded. This will spark interesting competition among the workers that will improve their enthusiasm. Hence informing the employee of the new performance standards. Secondly, informing them during the evaluation with ...

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